A Story of Trust

I have always had a love of writing. SInce I was in 3rd Grade, my teachers have always encouraged me to be in writing contests and other writing related groups. I often write songs, blogs and keep a journal. That being said, I have been thinking, healing, and praying about the story of Lily and Trust... I've known from the beginning God is using what I've been through for His glory and I've been thinking...  How could I better use their story's to help others heal in their own lives? I remember when I went through my miscarriage, there were very few resources that I could find to help me walk through the healing of losing a child. I clung tight to a blog of a woman who lost her baby and felt encouraged by her walk with Jesus through the pain. 


I have kept blogs, personal journals and have written songs and poetry through my whole experience. My hope is that in this season, I can compile a resource for hurting mom's who have lost their children. I'm not sure what this is going to look like, whether it is going to be a book or website or devotional, but I just know it is something I need to do!


I think I am also going to write and record a CD to go along with it as well to help with the process of grief and healing. I know music helped me a lot in that time...


I am a dreamer. I can't help it! Pray for me as I process through all of this. And mom's if you have a testimony you would like to share from your own life, please e-mail me at: Heatherevansmusic@yahoo.com One thing I know for sure, God works EVERYTHING out for the good, even our tragedy...


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