Recording Progress

We have recorded:
Safe Tonight
You Won't Let Me Go (The Kite Song)
Out of the Woods
and are currently working on recording:
Awaken Me
Calmer of the Storms
We are REALLY close to being done! Next step is getting artwork in order, mastering, printing some hard copies of the cd's and then a release party!
I also have some ideas for some possible music videos, but will really need to find someone who is willing to donate some time and energy to helping me get it done! I have faith. Nothing is impossible for an indie artist these days. :)
Probably one of my favorite songs on the record right now is: You Won't Let Me Go (The Kite Song). I am in love with the epic-ness of it and how it builds so well. Not only that, but the meaning behind the song brings me to tears at times when I explain it to people. The song is an analogy about how we are like Kites flying around all crazy and God is the one holding the string flying us. Sometimes we get caught in "branches", get swept away in thunderstorms and do our own thing most of the time, but God is always pursuing us no matter how far we get from him and will always be faithful to rescue us out of those tough spots. I am a doubter at times. BUT time and time again God has shown me He has never given up on me and will always be there even when I don't recognize He is working and chasing after me. He does all the hard work. Running, pursuing, reeling me into his heart...
Here are the lyrics. Maybe it will make more sense if you read it!
You Won't Let Me Go (The Kite Song)
I've been chasing blue skies
But as dark clouds surround me
I've gone too far this time
I hope you come find me
As I look down below
I see you running after me
You won't let me go
You won't let me go
You're strong and steady
But like a kite I'm flying away
You hold me to the ground
In your hands I know I'm safe
You won't let me go
You won't let me go
Caught in a branch
High above the ground
I see you climbing up to me
You always come rescue me
You're faithful
You're always persuing me
No matter how far I go
You're gracious
You're always pulling me into your heart
Reel me into you
Reel me into you, to you