The Crack - A Short Story

It was a rainy day when the crack appeared.

You didn’t notice it at first. It was just a tiny sliver.

You ignored it thinking “if I just pretend it’s not there, it will surely go away!” 

The light shone brightly the next day and try as you might to ignore the crack, light poured through it and caught your eye.

“It seems bigger today, no bother! It’s a nice day and it won’t hurt anything. I’ll deal with it later.” 

You went out for your weekly grocery run, went about your day and didn’t think about the crack at all. 

“See! If I just go about my day and ignore it, it will be fine!” 

When you entered the house, groceries in tow, you avoid the spots where you could see the crack and you go about your usual routine. 

By nighttime, though, The crack widened significantly. The wind howling through the cavernous expanse that was once a tiny sliver. 

The noise raises the alarm bells in your mind. It’s frightening sound warning you to deal with the situation, but you don’t listen to the wise warnings of the wind. 

“A bit of fresh air never hurt anyone!” 

You avoid the warning and head to bed. 

The next morning the crack was wider and the rain was pounding down and filling up your home. 

The Chaos of chairs floating and furniture bobbing filled your mind with overwhelming thoughts about the crack. 

“I should have patched it up before it got this big! It was only a tiny sliver now I don’t know if I can repair the damage that it has caused.” 

You cry softly, knowing full well all of this could be avoided but it was too late. 


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