18 weeks Pregnant & Benefit Shows!

I am now 18 weeks pregnant (almost 5 months!)! How time flies... SO crazy!
In pregnancy news, I am off my IV medicine pump! HORAAY! It was a little rough getting off of it, and I was feeling PRETTY sick for a couple days, but today I am feeling MUCH better as far as nausea and vomiting go today. I can honestly say this pregnancy thing has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but I know it will be worth it when I see that little babe's face!
In other baby news, we are going to the doctor on Thursday for our 18 week appointment! Then the appointment after that we will know if we are having a girl or a boy! I must say, I am excited! :) We are in transition of moving the 31st. SO many changes, but soo good!
In music news, The Priceless Music Video Release to the internet was awesome!! I got so much response and lots of people are going to use it to raise awareness about Human Trafficking. Pretty awesome stuff.
I've also been planning benefit shows for Haiti like crazy! From the moment I saw it on the news I felt moved to DO something! Knowing I couldn't go there myself, I decided to organize the music and art community in Columbus and raise some money through benefit shows! The response was so amazing that we are doing 3 benefit shows! 1 is January 29th at The Travonna Coffee House in the short north at 7pm. The second one is February 1st at VONN Jazz/Blues in Worthington at 7pm. The 3rd is still being worked out, but it is going to be a DANCE/HIP/HOP show! So awesome. I love Columbus, Ohio! :)