Maternity Clothes Fun

I am 16 weeks Pregnant today! CELEBRATE! My belly is growing more everyday and I've just now come into contact with the world of maternity clothes.. :)

I got loads of gift cards for maternity clothes from family this Christmas, and it was a complete blessing! I am starting to get a little belly, and cannot wear normal pants anymore and a lot of my shirts are getting RATHER tight! On top of that, I also just received a bag of maternity clothes from a friend at Church! I really wasn't expecting that... Just another example of God providing above and beyond for us in this time! :)

I've been living in some comfy Gap Maternity Velour Black pants, and they have saved my life. I have been wearing them with everything, and I must say I've pulled it off pretty well! :)

Gap Maternity Velour Black Pants

Motherhood Maternity Boot cut Jeans- these jeans are PERFECT! They fit well but still have some growing room too!

Black Cap sleeve Graphic T

Gap Maternity Henley quarter length shirt

Gap Maternity Black V-neck T

Gap Maternity Tanks

I also got some AWESOME/cute bikini underwear and a nursing bra. No need to post those here.. hehe!

It is great to feel like you look nice when you are pregnant because of all the weird body changes you are going through. Most of the time you just feel like you look bloated, plus your face is breaking out like a 12 year old, not to mention you can't button your jeans. Being able to put on something you look and feel great in is a HUGE confidence boost in a time when you are not exactly feeling all that beautiful. (especially in the in between state!)

I am feeling good today! I am not at all sick, just reallllllyyyyy thirsty! Making sure I am drinking LOTS of water and fluids today...


Sarah said…
cute - Target always has cute/cheap maternity stuff too.